Latar Belakang
Objective. To asses the effects on increasing in blood pressure after administration of methylergonovine maleat in patients with severe preeclampsia.
Place of study. This study was conducted in dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia from January – April 2010.
Study design. This study used method of prospective cohort to subject who eligible the inclusion.
Methods. The subject in this study were pregnant women with severe preeclampsia. Fifty five participants were divided into two groups. The first group (n=33) was treated with injection of methyergonovine maleat intra muscular in third stage of labor (after delivery of placenta) and the second group (n=22) was control group which mean had no intervention with methylergonovine maleat.
Results. After statistical test analysis paired t-test and independent t-test were done, there was a significant (p0,05) mean systolic pressure before administration of metylergonovine (148.8 mmHg) and 60 minutes after injection(151.8 mmHg). Significant difference between control group and the group which treated with metylergonovine was clearly demonstrate with increased of systolic and diastolic pressure at 30 minutes and 60 minutes following metlergonovine administration (p Conclusion. Administration of methylergonovine maleat via intra muscular injection may trigger the event of increasing systolic and diastolic pressure although clinically was not significant. Thus, if any indication on using of methylergonovine in third stage of labor which complicated with severe preeclampsia, adequate observation of the patients was required.